Monday, March 7, 2016

Hackers first infected computers Apple ransomware virus – BBC Russian

Some Apple computers were infected with ransomware virus which encrypts user files, and then demands a ransom for their release, the company said Palo Alto Networks.

The virus-extortionist becoming one of the fastest growing types of cyber threats. Once in the computer, the virus encrypts its data, and then, as a rule, requires the user to pay a ransom of digital currency to obtain an electronic key that allows you to recover the data.

According to experts, the annual payout from such extortion hundreds of millions of dollars. Previously, under the hackers sight fell users of Microsoft Windows operating system.

According to Director of Palo Alto Department to identify threats Ryan Olson, KeRanger virus, which appeared on March 4 is the first working ransomware virus that can infect Mac computers by Apple .

Apple spokesman said the company withdrew from the digital certificate software, iz-za made possible the installation of the virus.

According to Olson, the malware encrypts data in three days after installation . The cause of the infection was the program with open source Transmission site. Having learned about the problem, the company immediately removed the program with a virus from the site and released a new version.


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