Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The lessons of the terrorist attacks in Brussels: expert opinion – BBC Russian

As a result of three explosions in Brussels killed dozens of people, more than a hundred were injured. On Tuesday morning, two bombs exploded in the Brussels International Airport Zaventem, another explosion occurred at the metro station “Maalbek” – not far from the headquarters of the European Union official institutions

Responsibility for the attack has taken the grouping “Islamic state.” whose activities are prohibited in many countries, including Russia.

The attacks in Brussels reminded of the events in Paris last November. Especially that Salah Abdeslam – the main suspect in the case of the November attacks – a few days ago was arrested in Brussels

In the case of a series of attacks are always questions about how worked security services and how to prevent such attacks <.. /> p>

Why attack the extremists have chosen Brussels?

  • Paul Kandel, head of the Institute of ethno-political conflicts in Europe:

Why Brussels is a random choice. Planned way. For some technical reasons, it seemed convenient. It could be Paris, and London, and just about anything. Why now, too, it is clear

LIH reminds himself that she -. Significant value, it is too early to write off her. What organization is able to inflict unacceptable damage on the territory and most of Europe.

Brussels is also because there is a very large Muslim community, has long been existing. And, as elsewhere in Europe, poorly integrated into the Belgian society

Even because, if we look at the refugee photos, which in droves now taking Europe is striking that very few people. – young military age, they say, are refugees.

  • Andrei Soldatov, chief Agentura site editor. ru:

Despite the fact that we are talking about the terrorist attacks on transport infrastructure, according to the method of this terrorist attacks in public places. This is not a transportation security error.

Image copyright AFP

In the subway when such a flow of people, none of underground object in the world can not be protected by passive measures security. Formally amazed transport infrastructure, and in fact they are not very different from the explosions in the squares -. In the context of the passive safety techniques that could be used

A terrorist attack of 2003 in Tushino taught all that matter where a suicide bomber blows up: after the framework or to the frames – in the crowd in the queue. The death toll is still high.

Here, of course, of great symbolic value, because the attack underground in the subway, it is a very special thing, the airport also carries a symbolic meaning.

  • Dave Sinardet, Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel):

can we consider the bombings in retaliation for the successful capture of two Islamists last Friday? It is obvious that the arrests were a blow to the IG and the Belgian jihadists.

Abdeslama called the chief organizer of the logistics during the Paris attacks. He rented an apartment, drove militants in Europe, buy components for bombs. A few days before the arrest of his accomplice Mohamed Belkaid was shot dead by police. Belkaid of death wrapped in the IG flag.

It seems that the attack had already been planned, and because of the arrest the terrorists decided to hold them ahead of time, knowing that behind them there is a hunting.

In fact, Brussels is already preparing to defend against multiple attacks, 10 days after the Paris event. The city was completely paralyzed for several days, as well as on Tuesday, did not work public transportation, residents were advised not to leave their homes unnecessarily.

why these explosions took place in Belgium, where recently been taken increased security measures

  • Peter Van Ostayn, a Belgian expert on jihadist:

The Islamists have chosen as a target not only Brussels. For many years, Belgium had to fight against the Islamist groups, hundreds of Belgian citizens fighting on the IG side in Syria and Iraq.

Islamist cells have been found in many cities, but the most active in Brussels, especially in the south-western suburb of Molenbeek where a very high proportion of immigrants from Morocco.

Several suicide bombers involved in attacks in Paris last November, were of Molenbeek. Survivor in Paris Salah Abdeslam returned to Belgium the day after the attacks, and was on the run until March 18. He and another militant was captured alive -. Again in Molenbeek

Many Belgians were expecting a response from the jihadists. I definitely thought that something like that will happen, but not on such a scale.

  • US intelligence analytic agency Stratfor:

Explosions in Brussels are an important reminder of how difficult it is to prevent attacks on the unprotected and slaboohranyaemye objects

in contrast to the regime. objects for attack which the criminals need to develop complex to address security operation or use powerful explosives slaboohranyaemye objects can be attacked alone or in a small group with a straightforward plan.

in addition, attacks on transport infrastructure such as metro stations and airports, enable attackers to kill large groups of people and attract a lot of media attention

Action is not the first time attacking in unprotected areas outside the airport security sector -. both in the relegation zone, and arrival. That is why travelers should be as little as possible to spend time in these areas.

March 22 attacks were simple to execute, but effective, because they were aimed at a group of people concentrated in a confined space. This is the best way to achieve the greatest number of human victims with a small explosive device

The choice of rack of American Airlines registration as an attack target is very symbolic -. Most likely, is a demonstration of intent to kill US citizens

<. figure class = "media-landscape no-caption full-width"> Image copyright EPA

How can I prevent such an attack?

  • Andrei Soldatov, chief editor Agentura.ru:

Единственная opportunity – the work of the intelligence services, the exchange of reconnaissance and intelligence information.

Here we are dealing with a situation where there are several groups, it was a coordinated attack. This is an option in Paris, where attacks occur simultaneously in several places.

Accordingly, there operates a fairly large number of people are involved, for example, in planning. This is the only bottleneck -. The penetration of terrorists into the cell at the planning stage

But I do not know whether to blame the security services in such miscalculations, because to get into each cell is little opportunity. And blame the Belgian secret services operated during the past few months certainly can not. Obviously, they have worked very hard

  • Dave Sinardet, Free University of Brussels:.

it is obvious that the security services have shortcomings. For many years, security issues and terrorist threats has been given insufficient attention. However, such terrorist attacks are very difficult to prevent, and we have witnessed this in Madrid, London and Paris.

However, the failure of the Belgian services is obvious.

Armed to the teeth, people could go to the airport Zaventem, to open fire on the people, and then blow themselves up. An hour later, another man was able to go to the subway train in two steps from the EU headquarters and blow themselves up.

In the Security Service November carried out special exercises, the terrorist threat has been installed on the second highest level, army units were ready for patrolling the streets in several cities.

The police apparently did not stand the pressure of the ongoing Islamist threat. Add to this, and institutional issues

Brussels -. A relatively small European capital, but it has as many as six police districts. Its system of external surveillance cameras developed much less than in London and Paris.

Image copyright David Hayes

What can the European authorities in addition to the strengthening of intelligence work?

  • Andrei Soldatov, chief Agentura site editor. ru:.

I am afraid that all the other measures would be political

will be made political statements, will talk about toughening of migration law, which is not has no relation to the problem, to loud statements about the need to reform the security services, to dissolve them, and re-create that is also unlikely to have any effect.

and what is most unpleasant in this already Now there is talk about strengthening the vigilance of the population, which is almost never brings any effect, but rather is a counterproductive measure.

When called upon to be vigilant ordinary citizens, which in no way trained to distinguish terrorists from simply behaving strangely alien it only leads to the fact that the information channels clogged with debris various intelligence agencies, and it may have no effect.

and finally, what can happen, and what happened after the terrorist attacks in Paris and before .. . somehow intelligence agencies love to use these events as an opportunity to strengthen the pressure on telecommunications companies, to parliaments demanding to obtain greater powers in the area of ​​wiretapping and surveillance. Apparently, this is also to be expected.

  • Clint Watts, an expert on counter-terrorism, the United States

Clint Watts after the Paris attacks, wrote about the so-called “iceberg theory” in terrorist plots. For every striker usually have several assistants for the implementation of the plan of attack

The fact that we see -. It is the tip of the iceberg. According to Watts, Brussels attacks were the result of the Paris

It is not clear one thing. Do they cook, who still have not been caught, bloodshed



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