Friday, July 31, 2015

The Central Bank lowered its key interest rate again – First Channel

Central Bank lowered its key interest rate again – this time quite a bit, to 0.5%. Thus, Monday parameter on which many other economic indicators will be exactly 11 per cent. This decline – the fifth since the beginning of the year, a total of December the rate fell by 6 percent.

Central Bank lowered its key interest rate again – this time quite a bit, to 0.5%. Thus, Monday parameter on which many other economic indicators will be exactly 11 per cent. This decline – the fifth since the beginning of the year, a total of December the rate fell by 6 percent.

In today’s decision of the Moscow Stock Exchange responded to the increase in exchange rates. At the auction for the first time since March, he stepped over the threshold of 61 rubles. Euro afternoon rose to 67. But the official exchange rates for the weekend installed before the decision of the Central Bank: USD 60.35, EUR – exactly 66 rubles. However, the strong weakening of the ruble in the Central Bank is not expected. Regular currency purchases that could push the dollar up, there suspended. Taken into account and the current oil prices.

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