Saturday, December 26, 2015

Al-Baghdadi: Russia strikes and coalitions are harmless to the IG – BBC Russian

On Islamist websites opublikorvano new audio address, made on behalf of the leader of the extremist group “Islamic State” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The man portrayed as the leader of the IG says that despite the blows of the Russian aircraft on positions jihadists and airstrikes international coalition forces led by the United States, led by their grouping weakened and lost ground.

Furthermore, according to al-Baghdadi, the actions of Russia and a coalition of more further strengthened the morale of jihadists.

This is a 24-minute audio address of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – the first since the May performances faction leader, recognized as terrorist by many countries of the world.

In the spring of this year, we began to receive conflicting Messages about the fate of al-Baghdadi.

The representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Iraq, told BBC BBC that al-Baghdadi was seriously injured in March as a result of air strikes of coalition forces.

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi tries not to disclose information about themselves and their whereabouts. It is believed that even many militants IG did not meet with him face to face.

It is known that the leader of the self-proclaimed caliphate speaks to the warlords in the mask, so that he earned the nickname “the invisible sheikh”.

Meanwhile, the combined forces of the Syrian rebels, podderzhivameyh United States, including the Kurdish, Arab and Christian fighters were able to repel the “Islamic state” a key dam on the Euphrates River in the framework of a large-scale offensive against the jihadists in the north of Syria.


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