Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Investigation Committee called Nemtsov ordered the murder – RBC

Flowers on the site of the murder of politician Boris Nemtsov

Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC

As the official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (MRS), Vladimir Markin, the customer and the organizer of the murder of Ruslan Nemtsov is Mukhutdinov, whom the media previously called Moscow drivers officer of the battalion “North” Ruslan Geremeeva. The investigation was first called customer crimes.

Mukhutdinov, which is also known in the press nicknamed Russik, the international wanted list, reminded Markin. The criminal case against him will be allocated in separate proceedings.

Markin also said that on December 29 the investigators be charged in the final version Zaur Dadaev, Anzor and Shadid Gubashevym, Temirlan Eskerhanovu and Khamzat Bakhaeva. All of them are suspected of committing a murder for hire in an organized group, as well as the illegal acquisition, carrying, transportation and storage of firearms (n. “G, h” Part 2 of Article 105 and Part 3 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code) .

According to Markin, confirmed the involvement of defendants in the case, including the findings of more than 70 forensic examinations (situational, phonograph, psychological, genetic and molecular complex forensic). For the case also attached questioning witnesses, results of examination of objects and documents, inspection reports records with CCTV cameras. Markin also said that in January 2016, a consequence of plans to complete the investigation of the main criminal case and present the collected materials to familiarize victims.

The lawyer’s daughter Nemtsov Vadim Prokhorov told RBC that declaring Mukhutdinova customer crimes consequently takes from hitting the real culprits. “I think this statement is not more than a Christmas present Ramzan Kadyrov. Because who is Mukhutdinov – a personal driver and assistant Ruslan Geremeeva, who can not have their own motives for murder Nemtsov, “- said Prokhorov.

According to the lawyer, Mukhutdinov can only be organized crime subsidiarity. A lawyer Dadaeva Shamsudin Tsakayev sure Mukhutdinov general could not be a customer of crime.

«In fact we have not yet seen any evidence that it has related to the crime – said Tsakayev. – What he could have a motive for murder? What they had in common with Nemtsov? In general, none of the Chechen no motive for killing Nemtsov, because the Germans stood up for the Chechens served to end the war in Chechnya, collected signatures ».

As searched organizer

October 14 lawyer for the first time Prokhorov said that investigators believe the officers of the battalion “North” and Geremeeva Mukhutdinova organizers of the murder of Nemtsov. November 9, he said that Mukhutdinova was charged in absentia charged with the murder. “He’s just a driver Ruslan Geremeeva. If charges are filed Geremeevu, it would be a great promotion of the investigation, “- said Prokhorov.

December 25 source agency” Interfax “referring to an informed source claimed that customers murder Nemtsov is not set, but because in the criminal case no motive customers. At the same time representative of the TFR, speaking in Basmanny Court, he pointed out that the actions of criminals led by selfish motives, but because the case can not be considered by st.277 Criminal Code (attempt on the life of a political or public figure). In the criminal case indicated that the suspects for the murder of Nemtsov were promised 15 million rubles.

The opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, was killed late in the evening on February 27 at the Grand Moscow River bridge in Moscow. Soon, the police detained five alleged killers – Zaur Dadaeva, Anzor Gubasheva, Khamzat Bakhaeva, Shadid Gubasheva and Temirlan Eskerhanova. Another suspect, Beslan Chavannes, blew himself up in Grozny, while trying to arrest.

Who is Russik

According to investigators, Mukhutdinov can be certain Rusiko about where in his first confessions told the alleged killer Zaur Dadaev. Immediately after his arrest, he argued that the intent to kill policy had arisen spontaneously, and the reason was the position Nemtsov of the terrorist attack in the magazine Charlie Hebdo in January 2015.

organized crime helped him a Russik who traveled Car Mercedes ML with the number 007. It was later determined that this machine went colleague Dadaeva Geremeev, and the driver was Mukhutdinov.

TFR called the alleged murder of the customer and the organizer Nemtsov

The investigation into the murder of the main Nemtsov will be completed in January. This is the official representative of Sledkoma Markin. According to him, the material collected in the near future will give to familiarize representatives and family policy.

Video: RBC

Dadaev then claimed that Russik it took the weapon and the car ZAZ Chance, which was used during the murder Nemtsov.

Later Dadaev abandoned this testimony and stated that they gave under torture. But Mukhutdinova Rusik identified as a housekeeper Geremeeva. Now, according to the investigation, Mukhutdinov located in the UAE. Prokhorov’s lawyer said earlier RBC that “Chechnya is the safest place for the persons involved in this case.”


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